How to Battle Urges and Overcome Gambling Addiction

We all have it, a strong desire or impulse. Urges. The first step to battling urges is being able to recognize and understand what trigger you. What sets off that urge to gamble? Is it stress, boredom or an adrenaline rush? Once you have been able to identify the triggers, it is easier to battle these urges. 

Building a support team around you is imperative to overcoming these urges. Whether its family, friends or a support group, having people to lean on during those tough moments can make a world of difference. Talking to others who are in a similar journey or have been through similar issues as you have is a great way to curb these urges as well.

Distract yourself: when the urges hit, steer your focus elsewhere. Pick up a new hobby, go for a walk or run, volunteer at a shelter or soup kitchen, or binge-watch that series you have been eyeing. Whatever you do, DO. NOT. GAMBLE. One of the tools SMART Recovery focuses on is building an urges log. Basically, making a list of different activities you either like or want to do. Put them in a jar, when you feel an urge coming on, take on out and do that activity. Limit access to gambling temptations. Block the sites, ditch the casino apps (real and fake) and even avoid places that trigger your urge. Out of sight, out of mind, right?

But hey, let’s keep it real- slip ups happen. If you find yourself stumbling into the gambling zone, don’t beat yourself up. It is not about the fall; it's about the getting back and dusting yourself off. Reflect on what led you there, learn from it and get back on track. 

Seeking out professional help is a huge tool to have in your arsenal when it comes to overcoming any kind of addiction. I will forever be an advocate for this as they can help us understand what is going on mentally. Therapists, counselors, or support hotlines- are all guides through this battlefield of addiction. Never underestimate the power of professional support. 

Always Remember: progress is not always a straight line. It is a journey filled with twists and turns. Celebrate the small victories along the way- theyre like XP points in your quest to conquer those gambling urges. Together, we can live a better life. One day at a time. 


Creating Your Urge Jar: 30 Personal Distractions to Combat Addictions


Acceptance is Key