Unlocking Recovery: The Vital Role of an Action Plan in Overcoming Gambling Addiction

One thing I wish I had realized early on in recovery was how important having a plan of action was. The first few days after my last bet, I just kept laying around as if it was nothing. Those are the times you have to be careful the most because it could cause you to go right back to your harmful ways. Having an action plan of what is going to be done, when to do it and how you’ll do it is very important part of recovering from a gambling addiction. 

Why a Plan of Action is Essential

  • Provides Structure: In the chaos that addiction brings, a plan of action serves as a lighthouse. It provides structure in what otherwise feels like an unmanageable life. Knowing what steps you need to take each day helps in maintaining focus and direction.

  • Helps Measure Progress: A structured plan allows for the setting of tangible goals. This is vital for motivation and for tracking progress. Seeing how far you've come can be a powerful motivator to keep pushing forward.

  • Creates Accountability: A plan, especially when shared with others, holds you accountable. It's a commitment to yourself and those who support you that you're serious about recovery.

What is in my action plan?

  1. Self exclude: The first and most crucial step I took was to self-exclude from all sportsbooks. This immediate barrier to gambling outlets significantly reduces the temptation and accessibility, making it easier to resist urges. Then do a state-wide self exclusion, this blocks yourself from entering in-person casinos and other online apps. 

  1. Find a support group: Finding a support group is essential when it comes to recovery. A big one is Gamblers Anonymous. Talking with other compulsive gamblers with lived experience is an important part of recovery. It lets us know, we are not alone in this fight. Others have gone through similar situations and have lived to see the light at the end of the long dark tunnel. If you have been to GA meetings and find it is not for you, thats fine. There are plenty of other places to find support as well. One such place I started out was r/problemgambling on Reddit. Great forum to go and read stories of others from around the world going through similar issues as us. 

One last good support group is the Discord server “Compulsive Gamblers in Recovery”. Founded with the mission to provide a safe and understanding space for those struggling with compulsive gambling, this online community has become a beacon of hope for individuals seeking support and solidarity on their journey to overcome addiction.Within the virtual halls of this Discord server, members find a sense of camaraderie and understanding that is often lacking in their day-to-day lives. Here, individuals from all walks of life come together to share their experiences, offer advice, and lend a listening ear to those in need.

One of the most powerful aspects of the "Compulsive Gamblers in Recovery" Discord server is its emphasis on empathy and non-judgment. Regardless of how dire our situations may seem, members are met with compassion and encouragement rather than condemnation. This culture of acceptance fosters a sense of belonging and empowerment, empowering individuals to confront their addiction head-on. Join here: https://discord.gg/4Jpr7szE 

  1. Finding new hobbies: Replacing gambling with healthier activities is essential. I've started exploring new hobbies that not only occupy my time but also provide a sense of fulfillment and joy that gambling never could. Whether it's sports, reading, or learning a new skill, these activities offer a positive outlet for energy and emotions. One thing I learned through SMART Recovery is making of an “Urges Jar”. 

  2. Using an App for Tracking Progress: I've incorporated technology into my recovery process through an app called Evive. The Evive app has been crucial to my recovery from gambling addiction. One of my favorite pieces of the app is the educational modules. Knowledge is power and educating others about gambling addiction helps empower them to take control of their recovery journey. The community has been great also. As many of us know, this disease is one of the most secretive of all addictions and makes us feel alone at times. The community aspect of the app allows us to know, we are not alone. There are many other individuals who have been or are going through similar issues we have been facing and allow us to help others as well. I can not wait to see what more this app can do for individuals looking to build a healthier relationship with gambling or recovering from gambling addiction. 

  1. Handing Over Financial Control: Perhaps one of the most significant steps I've taken is handing over control of my finances to a trusted family member. This decision helps prevent the possibility of relapsing due to financial access and encourages me to rebuild trust and responsibility over time.

The journey through gambling addiction recovery is unique for everyone, but the need for a solid plan of action is universal. By sharing my own plan, I hope to inspire others facing similar struggles to take that crucial first step towards recovery. Remember, it's not about the speed of progress but the direction. Each small step forward is a victory in itself. Embrace the journey, and let the plan be your guide towards a healthier, happier life.

Stay grinding, stop gambling. Life gets better. One day at a time.


Day 359


Rising Again: Overcoming Relapse in the Journey to Recovery