Setting Achievable New Year Goals for Personal Growth in 2024: Transform Your Life

The new year is upon us and you know what that means: new goals. A goal is something that you want to achieve. Goals should be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound. What is the actual goal you want to achieve? What metrics are you using to measures the progress of the goal (can be quantitative or qualitative)? How do you plan to achieve the goal? Well, that will depend on how important said goal is to you. What can you do to attain the goal? The goal is meant to inspire motivation, not discourage it. Put a time limit to it. When do you want to achieve said goal by? 

In the past when I made goals, I would usually have 2-4 goals I wanted to achieve by the end of the month. Eventually it kept getting pushed back and made it more attainable by breaking them out over quarters. For instance, one of my goals this year is to lose weight. From June 2023 to now, i am down roughly 35 pounds. My goal is to lose another 10-15 pounds before the end of the first quarter, which happens to also be my 29th birthday. Hopefully that would bring me back down to 175-180. 

Another goal this year is to start saving money. GOING INTO 2024 WITH NO MORE CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS! As of December 31st, paid off a credit card I had been using to fund my gambling. I had a $22k credit limit on it and was very immature. Happy to say I finally paid it off (with a little bit of help) and will be closing the account for GOOD. Little wins like that make it more worth it to stay away from gambling. You guys can get there too. Work hard, put your hard earned money to good use. Stop wasting it on an activity that has a zero percent return on investment. 

So, not sure what kinds of goals you want to set for the new year? Here is a few realistic goals we can set to become the best version of ourselves in 2024: 

  1. Seek professional help: Acknowledging the addiction is the first step towards healing. Consider seeking professional counseling or joining support groups. In 2024, prioritize finding a therapist or counselor specialized in addiction recovery.

  1. Establish boundaries: Set clear boundaries to limit exposure to gambling triggers. This could involve self-exclusion from casinos or online gambling platforms. Create a supportive environment by avoiding places or people associated with gambling.

  1. Financial management:Develop a solid financial plan. Set a budget, manage debts, and establish savings goals. Consider seeking advice from financial experts to regain control of your finances and prevent relapses. I am a big Dave Ramsey guy and have been listening to the Ramsey show for a few years now. 

  2. Explore new hobbies: Engage in hobbies or activities that bring joy and fulfillment. This could involve sports, art, music, or volunteer work. Exploring new interests helps in redirecting focus and energy away from gambling.

  1. Practice self care: Prioritize self-care, including physical and mental well-being. Exercise regularly, maintain a healthy diet, and practice mindfulness or meditation. Cultivating a healthy lifestyle contributes positively to addiction recovery.

  1. Build a support network: Surround yourself with supportive individuals who understand and encourage your recovery journey. Consider joining support groups or reconnecting with friends and family who offer positive reinforcement.

  1. Celebrate milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate achievements, no matter how small. Every step forward is a victory worth acknowledging. Celebrating milestones reinforces motivation and determination.

  1. Continual education and awareness: Educate yourself continuously about gambling addiction. Understanding its triggers and impact on mental health is crucial in maintaining sobriety. Stay informed and aware of the potential risks.

  1. Focus on long term goals: While setting short-term goals is essential, keep sight of the bigger picture. Aim for long-term stability and happiness. Visualize the life you aspire to live without the burden of addiction.

  1. Seek accountability: Hold yourself accountable for your actions and decisions. Consider partnering with a mentor, sponsor, or accountability partner who can offer guidance and support.

Embracing Change and Growth

As we step into 2024, let's remember that the journey towards recovery is marked by progress, not perfection. It's okay to stumble along the way; what matters is the determination to rise again. Reflect on the past, but don't dwell on it. Instead, focus on the present moment and the steps needed to shape a brighter future.

Growth and change are gradual processes. Be patient and compassionate with yourself. Each day presents an opportunity to move closer to your goals and redefine your relationship with gambling. Together, let's embrace this new year as a chance for transformation, healing, and a renewed sense of purpose.

My goals for 2024: 

  • Workout 3-4x/ week

  • Lose ~ 20 pounds

    • Get down to ~180 pounds

  • Decrease sugary beverages 

    • Limit soda intake

    • Increase water intake

  • Save more $$$

    • Spend less

      • Especially on take out

  • Phone usage down to 2.5-3 hours 

  • Read ~1 book/month

This year we’re crushing goals. Because when we channel our energy towards that, life gets better. One day at a time.


Taking a Timeout: The Case for Compulsive Sports Gamblers to Step Away


Navigating the Ups and Downs of 2023: Overcoming Gambling Addiction and Embracing Growth